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Thank you in advance for your participation and, please offer your feedback on the recent releases as well. Also, the top 4 answers will be the most considered. 🤍



All of the above chile!


All I can say is good job I’m loving everything you drop. I’ve seen a growth in your quality and meshing skills from day one 😭 and I just wanted to ask you to keep improving and not to give up no matter what happens in the community because you know there’s always something going on. I know improving won’t be a problem for you though due to you being a perfectionist so yeah. ‼️💞


Furniture sweetie💕😂


I'm new here but you have quickly become one of my favorite creators! Thank you for all the hard work you put into your CC for all of us to enjoy!


Furnitureee I need more for my bad & boujee gurls


Furniture.... some KAWS deco for sure and other vinyl toys for the bachelor pad pls


Male clothing, wish I could get all you old male cc you took down 😫


i have my old conversions on my website officialcomplex.wixsite.com/thecomplexparlor