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Brigitte LINK 

Tracer-Widowmaker LINK 

Brigitte won the last poll so here's a loop with her.

There is also a longer animation I've been working on for a while now. It's a bit more complex than what I normally work on so there were some problems both skill-based and hardware-based. Too bad the current hardware releases suck because I feel like my old GTX 1060 and i5 6500 are struggling with the bigger scenes. 

There are things I like about this longer animation and things I feel like I could have done better. Might make another semi-long animation in the future.

As always, no watermark version and blendfiles in the archives.



Holy hell that Tracer + Widow animation is fantastic. More like it please!

gary wiseman

Hi cawneil, I have recently become a patron of yours because of your widowmaker anims, the facial animation and details you put in are splendid. I was wondering if you had any renders of her or short anims that could keep a widow fan like me happy until your new masterpiece is finished. Keep up the good work 👏 🙌


All animations I have are in the Mega drive pinned at the top of my Patreon. Widowmaker is the most requested character here so there's plenty of animations of her there