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Yeah, I am not even going to pretend that the title means anything. Sat here trying to think of a title for this post but, honestly, February was just another post 2020 month of wanting to get everything done, but not being able to do what I had hoped to get done.

Not going to make this long-- main thing is to address what I wasnt able to get out this month like I'd hope. Namely boils down to something that is happening IRL wise that... I rather not put out there online. HOWEVER, that said if it does something like this again, I may just pause Patreon for the month or something because... Its really not allowing me to make things like I'd like with what time I have to work on things in general. Add in the fact I am looking at possibly getting Studio work/jobs... Yeah.

All in all, all I can say is that I will try to be better about getting things up. As for 'On The Run' and Shiver, I am trying my best to get both out with what time I got and just cant seem to find the time to work on either. As for uploads; I've been aiming for 4 posts ([A] through [D]) done a month. Though as I have seen with the exit survey feedback, people dont think what I have to post is worth, or I am not posting or using my Patreon enough... This is something I just have to work on... Not exactly sure what more I can do, but clearly people have issues with it.

Hopefully I have addressed most of what happened in February with this post. Long and short of it is that I am dealing with some things, may pause my Patreon later in the year if things happen and that I am trying to do better about posting... so yeah. 


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