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So its come to my attention just now that Patreon has more or less stop showing previews for images past 3 items. While there is a small indicator on the post itself (as seen below)-- the App sometimes doesn't get this very simple message too, and I have noticed people thinking I didn't upload everything when I did. (Again, example below)

Of course, Patreon didn't let anyone know of said change-- or if they did, did jack-fuck-all to make it more well known as other people I follow/work with who also have a Patreon has no clue this was going on. I myself didn't notice till a user pointed it out to me wondering where the rest of the files for some posts went. They are there, Patreon just pushed out some weird preview update without saying anything.

Going to be listing how many files are on each post going forward to make sure people know to look through the previews if they want to see the other stuff. Shouldn't have to do this but Patreon is being patreon; 0 fucking transparency w/ taking 0 actual user input for anything.



Still works like normal on mobile app. Might just be browser website.