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And now, for what has been taking most of my time this month; Project DOLL.

I normally dont show things like this, but seeing how it ate up a lot of my time this month trying to perfect, modify and add to this system (all before CSPs new update which pretty much changed stuff-- ARGGHH.) to what I call my "DOLL" system. A 3D Doll reference that I can pose around that is, more or less, in the shape of a model/parts I have created for assisting my 2D artworks and/or generally speeding things up. 

Those who didnt know before now; I use 3D to help out with my 2D-- as I am a 3D artist, more or less by trade. So I use my 3D skills to benefit my 2D skills and vice versa. I dont fully rely on it but when I need a good perspective reference or etc. it helps out a lot. 

The second doll you see is a custom job for an artist I have been hired to do-- one I am still working on fully customizing-- BUT I have enough here to at least show. Unlike other models though, this simply will use CSP' skeleton IK to be poseable-- with some priority changes to make sure formation stays over all else. AKA: Ball-joint system like one of those posing dolls you see in IRL Art labs. Outside of everything else I have been working on (Comic, and IRL issues) this is what took so much of my time as I was trying my hardest to get this project done (model on the right) so I could then retool the kit for a possible 2.0 build for (semi) public release. That and I also touched up on Shiver as well.

So yeah! Project DOLL. What ya think?




Of course you'd give the Volt model optional humongous boobs AND a horse cock. Ya feckin' perv. ♥