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Hey hey~

Wanted to make a new Thread over the Patreon Tiers Discussion going over some of the comments, options and ideas listed in the comments (Special thanks to @AlchemicalScientist and @Azem) as well as those who messaged me over them in private. This will kind of be a response thing, laying out how I feel on some ideas and how practical said idea would/is to being implemented.

  • Having the time to add more. - This one is a massively fair point, as I am not the best about getting things done on time and taking way more than I should... That said, the ideas I had in mind for added perks or etc., would be ones I've already been able to do or can do easily enough.
  • Patron Only Live-streams. - THAT BEING SAID: This is one of those that I don't think I could do-- not because I don't wont too, but because I don't know how too do it properly. I am trying to see about making my artwork more of my livelihood than IRL work, but even then I don't see this being too viable for me to commit with my current IRL situation to guarantee a time slot to do this. This also goes for anything that would need a date per month to really do outside of polls or Sketch Lover stuff.
  • Source files and/or Discord. - This is something I think I can easily do-- either one or the other if not both. Source files isn't hard to put together, as I already group my files based on a month document so everything is already in one file as is. Discord is do-able, I'd just need help with mods and management is all. Ultimately it wouldn't be too hard to do, that would just need set up and would likely roll it into all paid-tiers or a $5 and up thing-- for both ideas.

Those were the easy ones to answer and mention head on-- the last ones I am going to be bringing up are a little harder to answer/talk about as, these would be the more out there ideas/options I have been suggested or have in mind.

  • "After Dark" Tier - This one is one I could technically do as I've kind of already do it off hand... After Dark would be of artwork, of my own characters in situations, ideas or just general smut I'd normally NOT post of-- namely of my foxy fox girl Volt (or other OCs):

The image above is something I have in works-- one that I plan to convert into another image for normal posting like I have done for many many other pictures... Little dirty secret; some of my lewder pics were originally meant to be Volt-- or were at one point. Those who don't know, know I don't make/post that type of pictures of Volt being extremely sexual or etc. Times I have done things with her like it are either highly edited down, out or changed to be more SFW or comical... This tier would be those images-- w/o the toned down edits-- likely a piece or two a month. HOWEVER, I am still iffy on this, just because I'm protective on what artwork I make of some of my characters in the first place-- thus why they have never been posted. None of these pieces are meant to be canon, never meant to be "oh X character is into doing Y thing with Z person" type thing and is purely out of character lewdness... So this one will depend on peoples reactions.

  • Sketch-in-4 Tier. - A $10 limited tier idea I had been suggested that will have those in this tier basically able to get a Sketch made, after 4 full month(s) and/or payments. Idea is similar to a "Pay in 4" system: you stay on this tier for 4 months. Then, once a total of 4 sub payments (4 full months) you can trade in to get a sketch from me. This one is a bit more experimental than the one above and its meant to be for those willing to wait a little and pay over time to get a sketch made. I should note; likely commissions I have rules to what can be made-- one hard one is that the sketch in question will be a SINGLE character in a pin-up style image. No clean sketch, no color-- just a sketch. This will be on par with my Sketch Commission Prices once said and done (fees and etc.) so its something I could do. 4 full months too also make it easier to set up for me as well so I  think I could easily do it... Only issue would be rotating people out after the 4 months to allow new people and etc, this is something I'd have to look into doing. How many slots I am thinking/allow would be whatever the minimum Patron will allow-- but my general thoughts is either 3 or 5 max. If you happen to have an idea and wanna run it by me to see if I'd OK it before committing to this tier; I could give it a look and see. IF I happen to do this idea, I will have a ton more information over it, who I will allow to be on it and etc. I need to do some of my own research over it BUT its a tier I feel like I could do and could be a massive help to my end as well.

That's all I feel like I can comment on over this thread-- there are a few other ideas I had been suggested, but I've either already rolled them into other pieces/ideas OR wasn't possible to really be worth mentioning. This post is LONG AF as is, rather roll it down to the easy answers than the harder ones. Please let me know what you all think-- I VERY much want feedback over this, especially if something isnt clear or etc.



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