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Hey hey everyone!

Thought I'd make a post considering how many new people have jumped on with us and do some interactions with everyone, as well as do some small updates to whats all going to be coming up. Please at least stay to the end as I have a question for next months Sketch Lovers Event idea/vote.

  • Whats coming up next?

I have a few things I am going to be working on, but I think I can generally break down what will be coming next; At least two more Commission pieces (sketches or higher) as well as a full updated post on Bel-- CyanCapsule's Demon momma's 3D model. On regards to said model, below is a little "teaser" on how its currently coming along with its retoplogy into a Game/Animation ready asset! Otherwise, I am going to try to get some general sketches made-- be it of my own OC's or Fanart of some characters, please look forward to it.

  • Sketch Lovers for June | Question

June happens to be my birthday month-- as well as the start of some summer rush stuff I will likely have to deal with as well IRL. Because of this, I am generally trying to figure out what to possibly do for next months event. With that in mind, I want to know from ya'll; what would you like to see me make next? Simple enough, and with the influx of new people, I want to know, from what you all have seen me make; what would you like to see me make next. Can be a simple reply like "More Skinsuits!" or a thought out idea involving a character (My OCs or Fan-Characters like what was required from the last Sketch Lovers Discussion thread. So if you got a moment, please comment below!




Hey there Raven i have something in my mind for next month Sketch lover event and the idea is skinsuit. I was wondering bringing back the last year event which i won is call *Slime new host body* and some people is DESPERATE to see that part again XD and they really like the idea. :3 probably next month more skinsuits please!

Alchemical Scientist

Ah the joys of both being asked for ideas and requests, but not wanting to make it sound like I'm begging for you to do my ideas! Well, your possession stuff is always good, and I love the futa/futa alts! Some of the slime/'eldritch horror' ones are *extra* spicy fun too, like Zar-Virus Invasion! and Acting Kindsa SUS! *Quick edit cause I forgot to say it, but the Zarvirus one's tail maw was also *very* fun, could see more of those too Then there's the Unfinished Business comic if you wanna keep going with that one!