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Hey hey guys~! (HEADS UP, I plan to update this tomorrow w/ another pic or two!)

This week is FULL of big BOOBA! Volt has some big booba, BD's Rouge has big booba and some Skinsuit Rouge has some big booba! So lets get right into the BOOBA! (Note: I will be including the full month's files in this Attachments!)
  • Questionable Fennec - Oh man this was fun to make. This is a Quick Paint style picture I made and I think it came out pretty good! Never done a style like this so yeah; thought I'd try it out! I don't really got a Scenario for this-- originally I thought about either making this a Possession picture or Skin-suit picture (with obvious wearer bleed-through) but I just left it as a questionable fennec being questionable lol. Like everything else involving Volt getting a bigger bust, suited or possessed; purely non-canon fun.

  • Treasured Chest! [BigDad's Rouge] - This was bit of a test and a random last minute picture I made. Honestly didnt have this planned like the others but glad I made it! Idea was her being VERY smug and VERY naughty with her chest being exposed like that. Also, she got a Chaos Emerald too!

  • Chaos Rouge Skinsuit - This was a concept and a half idea I had where an alternate take for Chaos was like a Parasite that infects a host, merges with their persona and effectively makes their "Shell" a way to protect itself till it can get the Chaos Emeralds and become more whole. Its a whole interesting concept I might touch up on again in the future but for now, enjoy a Quick Colored Sketch~!

And that's about it... I do plan on getting at least ONE more Image on here before the 30th's end-- whole reason I am getting this out NOW-- BUT if not at least the majority of the content is here.

Side note: I know the Sketch Lovers picture isnt here-- I am actively working on it and plan on getting it posted within Week 1 of July-- maybe sending it out to those who left before July as well. June started extremely late for me and I have been working on commissions so I've been a little busy to say the least. PLUS having multiple colored pictures in one month is WAY harder than I'd thought it would lol.





Update: Wasn't able to get that last pic finished today. Was hoping too but didnt quite get it :< busy AF day.


Always up for Volt 👀💦