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Options to choose from;

  • Slime's New Host! - A Nasty slime is looking for a new host to take over. Instead, the slime found an empty Scarlett skinsuit laying around on the floor. The nasty slime decides to make it their new host~  [NSFW]

  • HEY! Occupied! - Tricky specter spots Volt and decides to possess her. Turns out they weren't the first one to decide she was a good fit for them! Suity shenanigans ensue~  [SFW/NSFW]

  • Late-night Dancing! - Trixie is having a fun time dancing at a late-night rave! Neon colors, glow-sticks and Rave attire-- omai~!  [SFW]

Poll will last till May 15th! First-place Idea will be drawn! (NOTE: If I can get around to it, I might also draw the second place ideas from this AND last Event's polls!)



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