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Hey hey! I just wanted to get this out as is as I am running behind a little due to some IRL side-work stuff caught me this week. Majority of the work posted here will be me finishing some very much overdue work-- so yeah! Some of it y'all have seem in some way before!

Goal for the 31st is to get another Sketch or two done before it rolls over to April. Till then, please enjoy these finished pieces-- be it part two of something or a continuation of another! I will update this post as I finish things out.


March 31st - Added in a Sketch Dump and a UNRELEASED old ass render I never posted or finish either! Enjoy!

PS: Attachments will have the rest of the files that go with the parts!




I LOVE THIS 1 soooo much!!💕💕💕❤❤❤


I was hoping there a part 2 looking forward X3 ❤💕