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"Hey, are you just going to keep staring at me or join~?"

Hey guys! 

Kinda of a change for the $3 tier pic this month! Decided to go with my own OC but with a really cleaned up pic! I know I am still have Decemebr's to work on-- which are coming soon! I just have to figure out a few small things for a few of them.

Heads up, I plan on having NO $3 tier picture for February, I will be playing catch up during that month so yeah... HOWEVER, I WILL be doing another OC Raffle in March! Though, that one will be slightly reduced... 3 on top of Commissions is a little much!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this! Please download the sketch file attached below!

 Edit [4/15/2020]: Moved from Sketch Lovers to All Patrons. 




wow dude, fantastic work! love it!