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Hey hey guys! 

I got around to fixing this up so I can post it here for you guys. This was both a test for my new method AND for the $3 tier settings to make sure they work! (This way everything is ironed out before it officially starts in October!) 

This is just a fast sketch but I thought it would be a good pic for this! There are two versions; This version and a topless! I normally don't doodle this character topless but I figured it worked out for this pic even if its a one time deal! 


NOTE: This pic will remain at $3 tier for about a week then move down to lower tiers. Might make the topless version A $3 special, however I don't know. Either way this is will show up for others later.


Edit [4/15/2020]: Moved from Sketch Lovers to All Patrons.
