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This was a massive long time coming-- and I mean a LONG time coming...

There is a bit of history behind these pieces but the long and short of it is this; I had to remake this YCH due to the original drive and files for the piece becoming corrupted and lost. Worse; I never sent out the files to the owner of the Commission after I originally finished it back in 2018. SO I HAD TO REDO IT ALL-- YEAAAAAAAYYYYY....

Needless to say I am glad it is now done and I can mark it off my to-do list and work on other renders properly. Enjoy all the works! There was a LOT of alts for this project-- more than I thought there would be but that is what happens when you have to remake a Auto Buy YCH that said you would do said alts.

(Note: Files are about 55MB's to fully download the Zip. Public version of this YCH-- likely one to two versions only-- will be posted Friday, 23rd of August at near half its resolution)



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