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Is it too hot outside to jog or is she the one that is too hot to jog :y...

Also, she's totally taking her clothing off because there is a pool near by... Totally >w>;;

Thought I would shoot this pic here first as, well, I said I would start doing so and take my Patreon a bit more seriously. Originally meant to be a Gym pic turned into a more out-doors one as it was easier to put out and slightly matches up with my Comic's setting too! I might end up making it the official Comic Cover as well so those wondering what the "CC" is, its Comic Cover. 

Pubic version will be posted in a day or two (maybe Friday??) but yeah, let you guys see this first! Also, feel free to suggest changes to this as I would like to hear feedback from you guys on how I could adjust/improve me work! Any changes will be uploaded here with a post saying "Updated" or etc. Enjoy!




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