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Hey hey everyone, hope everyone who is subbed reads this.

Sadly, I cant say that I wanted to make this post-- as I didn't. However I have to, given Patreon's bullshit. Titles says it all, but if you happen to be out-of-the-loop over it; TLDR version is this: 

Patreon have added rules were FICTIONAL CHARACTERS have to give CONSENT on any content being done to them... Yes, FICTIONAL CHARACTERS who do not LIVE, BREATH or have ANY IRL EXISTENCE past being pixels on a page. Whats worse, is that it goes double for ANY and ALL fetish work-- my shiz included. Worse off, if there is any expression that would not include a smile, or "approving" facial features during any of the actions they deem as NSFW-- from what I have been told; instant violation w/ possible termination. Pretty much; NSFW content has to be as vanilla, happy with nothing happening as possible or else you get the axe. Oh I should also mention that this is on top of a possible cut increase on their end they CONVENIENTLY neglected to mention that will be enacted in or around June 2024-- meaning we creators are going to get LESS soon too. 

What does that mean for my content? Basically, if they look at me wrong; I am screwed. IDK how a fictional character is suppose to give consent for any of the fetish shit that goes on in any of my content-- sexual or non because it legit doesn't matter if it is or not! Breast Expansion w/ the character looking shocked but no nips showing is 100% in violation base on what Patreon said! NO EXCEPTIONS. The rules in general are so fucking stupid-- just ban NSFW content if you are making rules that basically requires a panel before of the character stating "I consent to whats being done to me" every time I upload something-- THATS LITERALLY WHAT A NON-CANON TAG IS FOR. People pay me to put their characters in situations-- that's consent enough for artwork PERIOD. People don't like Patreon as is for the bullshit y'all pull as is, just pull the fucking trigger already if you want to kill NSFW content and stop pussy-footing around with this shit. I wanted to keep this post somewhat professional but when you have me on the verge of calling the people who run this site a bunch of R-mc-tarns-- YA DONE FUCKED UP.

Long and short of it is this: I am going to keep on going until Patreon stops me. About all I can do but I want everyone on here currently to know that... This is my warning. My page goes down because of Patreon's bullshit, you know why. I may look to other places to help get in some extra cash-- money that I should remind people mostly goes to paying for medical stuff for my cats... So yeah.




Patreons been on a decline for years, i guess they finally decided to shoot themselves in the foot instead of stepping on a nail


It's not as if artists have enough on their plate with AI. Now they need to be on multiple different funding sites, or circumvent rules though Discord.