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A trip to Barcelona today for admin - (lots of admin here!) - but we did manage to do a little bit of wandering and just admiring some new wonderful buildings and statues we haven’t seen before in Barcelona. It was so hot today and the sun was intense but we still enjoyed ourselves.

The statue is actually a Joan Miró and it is called “Woman and Bird” or Dona I Ocell. It was created in1982, towards the very end of Miró's life. 

(And yes a trip to Ophelia’s two favourite places in Barcelona - Juice Dudes, and the shop that sells pretty little stones and crystals, so one very happy Ophelia.)




Ah! A stone/crystal collector. I have two such persons!! 🥰


Ophelia just a lovely young lady just delightful shopping with the younger family the photo just adorable 💖💖😘👌