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At the end of this clip you can see that this house has its own lady guarding and protecting. In fact this has two, in the form of door knockers, making me think of our stair sculpture Sea and Fire which we also featured in last night’s vlog. More images to follow.



I actually like the color of the shutters too. So is the house vacant?


Loved yesterday’s vlog! Sea and Fire is just brilliant! She looks like she has been there since the house was built! You can tell they were quite moved to have created her for you!! Aunt Jackie would surely have approved. 😇🥰


Your home looks like a work of art to me, a lovely work of art! I can't wait to see the doors refinished and the bronze knockers polished up! I pray you put the window back in and can refinish your balconies to match each other! Did you notice the carving on your doors? They are fabulous! Every time I see more and more details of your home! I am so thrilled that I get to see your progress over time! It makes me happy to know that I can help in my small way! I wish you guys the best of luck with all the permits and finding people to help you two! Thanks for the beautiful clip today! I am grateful!