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Today has been a rather emotional day to say the least.  Finally our new lady joined the house.  Her name is Sea and Fire.  She has that name because she is a a combination of delicate beauty yet she is powerful too. 

She fits perfectly with the house like she has always meant to be there.

We love the fact that the statue incorporates a Modernisme feel and also the three dragons of Sant Pere de Ribes the symbol of the town.

Veronica and Eduin put their heart and soul and many many days work into her and we are very touched indeed.

The statue was paid for with money left to me by my Aunt Jackie.  This coming week is the first anniversary of her passing so it is particularly poignant.  She would have loved her I am sure.

We can't wait to show you the full reveal on the week after next's vlog (I don't want to spoilt the reveal for you!) but I thought seeing this shot of here which is how she looks when we come down the stairs will give you a sense.

I think people will sometimes touch her head gently as they come down the stairs and over time her hair will glow with shine as well!



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