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Today was a great day filming - we went to do a tour of a Modernista house that is for sale which was super interesting! Also from 1911.

But today I wanted to show you as promised some more pictures from Terrassa.

Terrassa is famous throughout Spain for its textiles. Like some towns in the north of England it has a rich history of textile making and some incredible industrial textile mills and factories.

This is one of them built by the Modernist architect F. Aymerich Amat. It was a vast textile mill, now a museum.

As it was a special day we had the once a year treat of being able to walk on the incredible roof. It was a bit scary but we are reassured that it is incredibly strong - in fact a plane once did an emergency landing on it, and it remained intact

It was like a lunar landscape! I hadn’t really thought about the beauty of industrial Modernist architecture but Catalunya is full of surprises!

Tomorrow I will share a picture of another amazing building - perhaps the most fantastical modernist building we have yet seen!



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