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Goodness me, this evening was the  'Correfoc' in Sant Pere de Ribes which is something that happens in the run up the Festa Major next week.  It literally means "Fire run" and is a metaphorical battle between good and evil with drumming, dragons and pyrotechnics.

It really was quite something - far more up close with the fire than say Guy Fawkes night in the UK.  In fact we were literally being showered with sparks.  Camilla came back with burnt hair and I came back with a jacket covered in burn holes.  Next year we will know what to expect.

It was a lot of fun though!  Catalans definitely know how to have a festival!!




Both of those photos look unrealistic like they are photos from a virtual reality game. How awesome. Hope Camilla’s hair wasn’t too bad! She has such beautiful hair!


There's a chap in the middle left of the lighter photo who looks like Philip Janssen! I spend part of the year in Mexico and they too are mad for fireworks up close.