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One of the great things about having Jenny here is a buddy for lunchtime walks! We have found some very interesting buildings in Sant Pere de Ribes. Some of the buildings are definitely renovation opportunities but they I quite like the faded splendour look sometimes too .

I love all the little details. And the tile work especially. Since getting Can Punxes we are definitely looking around us a lot more on our walks at all the architectural details which I am finding really rewarding.




I agree - at times faded grandeur can be rather lovely and tells a story or two / great that you have a walking buddy and that the weather is fine enough for you do this - I have spine and joint problems and arthritis hubby been saying for years we need to chase some sun but I’m too long in the tooth now to be learning languages ! Do you both speak Spanish ? I know children are like sponges and pick it up quickly …. Can’t wait for spring weather !


As Sheree said, I found the "faded grandeur" to be very appealing....I also liked that description and going forward will refer to myself as displaying the same in my old age - LOL!!!!! (really, I will...such a genteel phrase for white hair and wrinkles)