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Thank you so much for the fabulous name suggestions - you have given us some great ideas and much food for though!

Today was a busy work day.  I was doing some online leadership coaching for my 'day job' while Camilla has been hard at work on the vlog and also she had a visit from a potential supplier to work on the plumbing once we get the listed building permissions.  We are using this time to work up a great list of contacts so that when are allowed to start work we will be fully prepared. 

Amazingly the man who came today had actually stayed at Can Punxes in the past as a young man as his family knew the owners.  It is a very small world here!  

I forgot to mention that yesterday we also had a very unusual visitation.  A British man knocked on the door who had seen the vlog.  He asked to borrow bedding for the night!  It's a long story but he was staying in the town and his friend was meant to leave bedding but must have forgotten.  He was definitely one of life's characters and was very amusing and cheered up our evening.  He left happily with a unicorn duvet set :))  

We have met some fabulous people here - I think the house attracts them!  

I couldn't resist taking this picture of Ophelia.  She adores Don Pekoe and Lady Pekorina and luckily they are like teddy bears with her!




Adorable photo! Character indeed! In Spanish we would say: Es un personaje. But, I think it also says a lot about you. You’re building community and people feel comfortable with you, which is wonderful. 💕💕💕


Precious photo :)