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I guess I'll sketch both Lyra and Ember and then an another poll will decide which one will be colored. I could make a two character pic but this duo doesn't make much sense, so I'll stick with the first option.



Why not just do both winners one after the other? Even if it takes two months, they still both won. If people don't like this turn of events, then maybe they should start sending in more suggestions in order to diversify the polling a little further to prevent things like this from happening.........just a suggestion of course. I like both characters so making them duke it out against each other seems counter intuitive to me.


They didn't both win. They tied – nobody won. If there's a draw in a game, you can't call both sides winners and award two gold medals – you have to determine who's the winner by play-offs or in the extreme case – a coin flip (that actually happens in football at least). I like the idea of sketching the 2nd place and coloring the 1st. Seems fair to me. Also sketching both before asking people which one to color is even better, since people will be able to see what pics we are talking about, so for example, someone who was initially voting for Lyra may change their mind in the second round if they will like the sketch of Ember better (instead of regretting later that something they actually liked better stayed in the sketch phase). Sure there's a "you'll have to draw an another pic anyway" argument but following this logic I could as well draw them all. I was thinking of setting a static amount of stuff I post monthly. For example there would be always five characters and I'd do sketches of all of them, then people would choose which one of them is the best and should be colored. So in the end every month would be something like 3 sketches, 1 colored with simple or no background and 1 fully colored. From there I could work to improve the amount of content I can push monthly but I need to settle my personal live issues first.


Oh, also there's an option to allow people to have more than one vote but I'd have to test it in practice