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Hello! I made some edits to the tier list to coincide with some changes in my schedule, and intentions. 

  • Removed "Art Redlining" from Diamond Tier rewards
  • Removed "Early Bird Commission Slots" from Diamond tier rewards
  • Removed "Art Notes" from Platinum Tier rewards

Needed to make some updates to these tier rewards, as they were drawing in too many patrons for those specific purposes and I don't quite offer them as much anymore. I don't really have the time to redline or assist people's art journey personally, as much as I want to, because I would love to see some of the folks in my servers get better. But I just don't really have the time or energy to anymore. I also just don't really make notes for my art anymore. You're still free to ask me questions about how I've done things, though, and I'll answer them in retrospect if I can.
I will also not be offering early bird commission slots any time soon, as I don't plan on opening up slots for a while. I've been slowly refunding those on my backlog and focusing on the ones I'm more apt to doing to get my list cleared, and focus wholly on patreon comics. I think I'm just not cut out for major commission work, maybe I'll do much smaller openings in the future after I've spent enough time on my own stuff. 

Thank you for your support!


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