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It's a little trashy lmao but I wanted to try my hand at animating again with something that'd been living in my brain rent free for long enough. Sorry if it's not your thing!

To be honest I really like animating when I do it, but I rarely have time. Part of the trouble is wanting to do both comics and animations but not really having time for both. Animated comic panels are certainly an option, and I think those would be fun, but putting more time into animated projects that stand on their own is kinda what I wanna do more. Most of my long-form project ideas would work with both mediums, so I suppose the question is do I wanna be a comic guy or an animation guy more lol. 

We'll see how it goes but it's hard to say. Feel free to give your thoughts in the comments (or in my discord, I suppose!).



Aggron Buddy

Very nice either way!


That's the sign that she wants another kid.


"Sorry if it's trashy" yet posts literal gold like this


All these bangers so close together has been fantastic~


Its perfect.


Usually when I come off of a bad art block I go ham on as many things as I can manage lol. It's back to comms this week though!


I suppose I meant like, the act of twerking itself is a bit trashy haha.


the true mating call of the suburban MILF: clapping her fat ass cheeks


That is an ass that deserves to be both bred and loved


This is definitely the quality content I didn’t even know I wanted to see from you dude! Please keep being awesome and blessing us with more Rhoda