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ALRIGHTY, time for a status update to see what I’m up to! 

At the moment, I’m currently compiling all the files from september and october to put into archives, and post them separately for the silver+ tiers. There’s a lot, and I’m also going to be seeing if I can put my finished commissions in there as well (because that was the majority of it) without stepping on any toes.

As for this “new project”, I’m ready to reveal what I’ve got in store: A comic! A full length story. I know I’ve said that a few times haha, but this time I’ve managed to draw up a rough script and I’ve run it by a few friends for checking. My plans for that, the entirety of this month I will be posting miscellaneous artwork for the two main characters, as well as progress shots for building the setting it will take place in. 

I mentioned in my discord server (which you should join because that is where my art goes most of the time, if not in the archives) that I will be taking a vacation from the 20th to the 1st of December. That’s a little under 3 weeks of time to work. My plan is to move full speed ahead on commissions, with the comic preparations taking the back burner. Then in december I should be able to get the first few pages out. I’m really excited for this, I love these characters a lot and the story is super fun to me. Hopefully I can get a few sketch requests in before I dip for vacation, but we’ll see how it goes!

Other than that, I think that’s it! Thanks for supporting me!


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