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At the beginning of this month, I made a post explaining how my new tiers would work.

Scratch all of that, I'm just gonna move sites instead.

I've seen way too much happening with Patreon as a whole to keep relying on it, so I'd much rather make a move to a safer site that may cost me a bit more. I've had a subscribestar page for months now, I just haven't advertised or uploaded to it consistently.

I will be making the move throughout July. What does this mean? It means that, if you want to continue supporting me, as well as seeing my artwork, you will need to pledge to this page instead. Please do not wait until July to do this. I don't want you to get charged for July on patreon, AND on subscribestar. My recommendation is to unpledge from my Patreon page now, and then pledge to the SS page whenever you feel it. It charges every 30 days instead of at the first of the month, so it records when you pledged and charges you accordingly.

Note: THE TIERS ARE NOT THE SAME PRICES. I made this page months ago, and I can't seem to edit them now, but I'm pretty happy with what I came up with then. They're a little farther in price, with them being $1, $3, $6, and $12, as well as $50 and $100 sponsor tiers. For the most part, they're the same in terms of which tier gets what rewards. I expect most people to be pledging to the $3 and $6 tier, as that's where most of the tangible rewards are.

Within July I will be putting a halt on patreon for good.

Thank you for all your support.



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