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Hello, you must be wondering why i delayed my upload again for 1 month.

Firstly here are the rewards for July




I cannot express how deeply sorry i am for the things that happened...

and thank you if you are still willing to stay after a month of delay yet again.

it has to do with plethora of things that happened within the past week or so with my internet service provider and also my work contract, mainly in companies, had been asked urgently to be done in a given date..so the whole month of august has only been sketches of.... makima. its not a preferential treatment

but rather a band aid since i cannot just give you excuses for the month, so i had tried my best to still do a content even though its sub-par to the usual work i do which is with coloring.
I am not excusing for the delayed content, i shouldve seen and expected all of it and i deep am sorry

im sorry for that and i understand if you will unsubscribe after this. thank you and ill do better next time.




No hews-sama, I'll never unsubscribe from you... I will simp and give you all my money.