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Hope all is well with you all!

Now that I am finally settling into my new place this gives me a little more time to start watching more shows/movies. Right now I have been trying to get into a nice comfortable rhythm. I dont want to do too much and then disappoint you all by not being able to get series out, which has happened in the past when I was in limbo with my living situation.
But now that my work station is stable that won't be a problem.

So my question is this, what is a series you NEED me to watch right now.  Like hypothetically if I don't watch this series all the oxygen in the world would disappear (lol) Something you are desperate for me to watch!

I will read your comments and then make a poll and then wait for your votes, and that will be the series that I jump into next!

Thank you for participating. 




Late to the question, I think you would enjoy Black Sails (on Starz). A underrated show that is well written. Love your reactions ❤

Nolan schwab

Black sails! Favorite show I’ve ever watched! The acting and screenwriting is impeccable. It being on Starz kind of hurt it’s reach unfortunately, that and Game of Thrones airing at the same time. I honestly was more excited to watch black sails then Game of Thrones each week. Still love Game of thrones though lol