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Hello everyone. I'm sorry for the lack of communication this past month. Things have been difficult on my end lately and development had stalled for a significant period of time, but right now I'm putting all my effort to finish up the next update as soon as I possibly can.

The writing for update 0.2.2 is 100% complete with a total of 37 pages. Most of the planned artwork (6 illustrations, 9 new sprites) is currently in a WIP state. I'm afraid I'm going to need another week or so to finish up the assets and get the update ready for release. I'd like to apologize again for the lack of consistency in my update schedule. I don't want to keep blaming my failures on my mental health and I'm sure everyone's tired of hearing my apologies this past year. 

So right now I'm hunkering down to finish up update 0.2.2 for Temptation's Ballad ASAP and then afterward I'll be shifting development back to Repeat. I'd like to thank everyone for your patience throughout all of this.



Please take care Shiro, the updates are not as important as your life! Take things one at a time, and I'm sure many will agree with me that the wait is always worth it!


Shiro i have said this before it’s ok take your time your updates are always worth it


Your mental health always come first!! Do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself before anything else. We all are here to support you and the work you do, and I'm confident we all want what's best for you. Take care Shiro!! 💖💖


Just glad to see your okay, I was abit worried seeing how long you weren't on here. Glad to see your okay though. Also, personally I'm sure I'm not speaking for just my self, but treat your self more, and take care.


Take all the time you need! Your mental and physical health are the most important. Don't stress too much over updates! We'll be here ♡


RL and your health are far more important :) Take as long as you need and don't feel bad about it :)


We love your work and obviously want updates, BUT you always have to take breaks. Work can wait, and we will be here for you!


How do i download Repeat?


I subbed with the low tier and dont really know how to use patreon X3


Welcome aboard! Repeat's most current build can be found here on Itch: https://shirokoi.itch.io/repeat-visual-novel