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Aaaaaah I'm so sorry for how long this took guys. Real life just kept getting in the way, but we've finally made it! Repeat 0.5.8 is a major turning point in Sissel's route and I hope you all enjoy it! I also think this beats the record for the largest update I've ever made again. 31 pages of scripting in my Google Docs, and with a ton of new artwork. I can't wait to hear what you all think! :D

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  • Sissel Day 11 is now 100% complete!
  • Sissel Day 12 is now 40% complete!
  • 1 new sprite for Echo!
  • There's like... 6 new CG artworks? Technically 11 CG artworks if you count the multi-stage scenes!
  • Several new songs!




Oh man right before work why do you do this xD. at least I have something to look forward to all day!


The remnant is labeled as Mr. Rokov and Sissel's texts are the same on day 12 regardless of what you pick. I also got an error during the Morse scene for a missing jinny frown file


I think you could do those NPCs at the café scene as YCHs or raffles for your 10$ patrons to give them an additional something (just an idea, I'm too poor to be at that tier myself rn ;///; ). Could be an interesting idea to fill the gap methinks!


This update was amazing, I wonder why herschel responded the way he did. (Wont say more cause spoilers) I did notice a typo towards the end. The word was 'breath' instead of 'breathe'. Other than that simply amazing Shiro <3 thanks for the wonderful update and hope your life is going well :)


Loved the update, although I kinda feel bad for Echo. *Cough, I really hope that the ominous rope on his neck *cough is not foreshadowing what I think what will happen. *Cough. Or what he will become. *Cough :I Also, I think the word"feisty" should be spelled like this, instead of "fiesty".


I just started getting into this visual novel, and was wondering, do save files carry to updates or no?


Great update; love Sissel <3 I'm also hoping you continue that comic!


Your writing in this update is really good, but you picked a truly brutal ending point!


That update was amazing... the cliffhanger on the end made me hate you in a good way.


I've been checking the page every day! So glad it's here <3


Jeez Hershel, was that really necessary? Another update that caught me by surprise, but a welcome surprise after a few days of hectic trip planning, travelling, and settling in. Anyway, I was definitely surprised by the amount of artwork that went into this update. I loved it; they really give a more personal and minute touch than you get from sprites and blurred-photo backgrounds. Excellent work with that, and it also helps show just how damn cute Euca and Sissel are together. The bedroom scene was also excellently done, with artwork and everything, and a really good blend of comedy, sexy, and and a heavy dose of heartwarming emotional intimacy. Plenty of realism, yet entertaining. I notice that Euca isn't the type to continue prodding when someone tells him they're fine even though they're clearly not. It definitely sounds like his MO, but he'll probably have to get more persistent if he wants to help them out. And I do hope Jinny comes back from her trip. I get the feeling it's not a fun kind of trip. And lastly, a character did mention that Owen had gone back home for a few days to handle some family matters. Which strikes me as a bit odd; he did not go there for the past seven years or so, and needed a day's worth of encouragement from Euca to go there in his route. Did he manage to work up the courage to go back without any help from Euca? Are we to assume that characters, when outside their routes, work out their problems on their own? (I did figure Sissel in the Owen route entered the contest and lost, and so took it in more stride compared to getting his creation destroyed by his rivals) And lastly, Hershel, man. Just when you think things are better than they've ever been, that the characters' problems are over, he throws a nice big wrench in the works. I suppose that's a sign that we've reached the intermission. (Hershel did warn Sissel about sabotage in the culinary competition. Perhaps he won it by partaking in such sabotage himself, and thus feels he never deserved it?)


"Just let me be lazy, damnit". Well that made me laugh :3


Just went through the whole story so far again as I've been leaving it on the side, (sorry!). Absolutely love your work! Though I'm getting more and more nervous given that a certain Wish's camera leash seems to be getting a little... Tight... Aside from a few spelling mistakes, I'm still drawn in and very excited for more! Keep up the great work =D


*fangirl scream* No seriously, I'm very happy for this. Thank you!!!

Vic Viper

The more we go into Sissel's story, the more I'm starting to pick artistic inconsistencies with Sissel's proportions. He started as a complete twink, someone who had an episode of malnutrition, with big wide eyes. With the annoyed/upset sprites, he takes a lot of muscle mass, even compared to his more medium sized sprites. Of course, I think he looks "more attractive" with more mass (tbh, his original proportions look kinda weird), but it's inconsistent with how he started as. This also goes for the sex scene too, and with the strange perspective, he looks like he could completely dwarf Euca, and not just in height. I think we should commit to one body type and stick with it. Herschel on the other hand, is mostly accurate in all poses. Also "Sissel_Angry"'s torned part on his tank top is angled wrong. Maybe there'll be a time when older sprites will get remade to fit with his newer build, it's as if the character design is evolving from sprite to sprite, problem is that when it changes so drastically from one pose to the next, it can be really distracting. I mostly noticed that with Sissel, I don't think I saw it all that much with the others, but it's worth pointing out.


Completely agree with you, Vic. Couldn't have said it better myself. I also think that Shirokoi should fix the first "sex scene" of Sissel with Sissel's upside down cock. And yeah, Vic, Would you like to see Sissel in top position in the future sex scene? I want to confess what I expected to see Sissel in top position in this update... but nevertheless, this sex scene was very cute and hot. It was very nice to see Sissel so feisty and eager for this)


Thank you for the feedback! I was actually thinking of updating Sissel's older sprites with the new style since my art's changed a lot these past few years. Plus, like you pointed out, Sissel's neutral sprite's anatomy is kinda off. Buuut I know a lot of people are kinda emotionally attached to to Sissel's old sprites so I'm still kinda debating it ;w;


Please, update old sprites, Shirokoi. I'm sure most people will be happy about this.)


Loved the update. I have to say that the new sprites look better than the old ones, so kudos to you! :)


Was so surprised to hear a nice remix of one of Bloodborne's tracks! Keep up the good work!


I love Sissel and i will protect him with my lifeeeee