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Hey all!

I've only been gone a few months but it feels like forever! Still no estimate on when I might return, I'm afraid. I haven't forgotten that I owe you two patron requests, though, and I'm slowly (veeery slooowly) hammering away at them.

In case you've forgotten, the prompts were:

  • Tough tomboy is challenged to a drinking contest and happily accepts, without realizing that she's drinking bimbo liquor.
  • A scientist working on a miracle anti-stress pill has her funding pulled and is forced to use herself as a test subject

How have you been? Read any good smut lately?

If you're into feminization/sissification, check out SISSEKAI: The Story of How I Became Trapped In A Virtual Reality Game And Turned Into A Sissy! Be warned: it features rape and bestiality. It's also incomplete. That said, it's a well-written slow burn about two friends (a boy and girl) trapped in a hyper-realistic VR MMORPG. It focuses a lot on the protagonist's humiliation, and the mechanic causing the transformations is interesting and original.

That's it for now! Hope you're doing well! Thanks for being patient and sticking around.

♥ Sortimid




Glad to hear from you again, you’ve been missed! Hope whatever you’ve been working on is going well!


"A scientist working on a..." Ah, I see we have a Batman villain.

Brandon Booth

Been missing you, but hope your doing well


Thanks! It's going well (in that I don't plan to quit it, yet), but it's also taking up a lot of time and mental energy