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I started Victorian Lady Re-wilded on an iPad, which is why those sketches look different than usual—the bug-eyed rifle drawing makes me giggle. It's also why my reference photos are squeezed onto the canvas. The transformation felt too abrupt with just four steps, which is why I added the fishing scene.

The iPad Pro is great hardware and fun to play around with. Procreate impressed me by being both intuitive and fully featured. I'm still not fully sold on it, though. Don't think it would help me work faster or make better art. Multitouch gestures and shortcuts are no substitute for having a full keyboard at my fingertips. I currently use Clip Studio Paint on an XP-Pen Artist 22E on Windows. While my setup has its issues, it works for me. The iPad feels like a sidegrade. 

Tomboy to Trophy Milf was another variation on one of my favorite themes: rich people being horrible and miserable. I'm happy with how this sequence turned out although, looking back, I wish I'd leaned harder into the yachting/nautical theme. Feels like I missed an opportunity to give those middle outfits more character, and further differentiate them from my other "corrupted by riches" pieces.

Thanks for reading! Tune in next week for The Bunny Variant!

♥ Sortimid




The Bunny Variant is absolutely screaming genetically modified playboy bunny.


Is the Bunny Variant a Limerick collab? Cause I remember he did something with that.