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An alternative plastic surgery nurse is corrupted by the standard of beauty and turns into a bimbo influencer.

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Read the whole story from the beginning! (I went back and tweaked the colors a bit to smoothen the transitions)

Hope you liked!

♥ Sortimid



Janus Rain

gosh this was such a fun series. I love the silent panels of thought and how quiet she seems, her chattiness feels so earned by the end!


I really like how this one played out. Depicting the rib lines and how emaciated she's made herself between all the plastic really speaks to the themes of body dysmorphia at play in this series (especially with the reference to Ozempic and the real world abuse it gets from people as a miracle weight loss drug). I also found noteworthy that she says she can't go back to "who" she was before, and not just how she looked before. She has literally linked her identity to this plastic ideal of beauty.


That second picture feels off somehow. It's not bad I just feels like it doesn't quite fit with the other three.


Thanks! I didn't want to make dysmorphia look "fun", but also didn't want to be judgmental, punishing the character or reveling in her condition. Hopefully I managed to walk that thin line...


You'll half to be more specific than that... I'm not sure what you mean. Hopefully it fits better within the longer sequence.


The way you show her being outwardly happier with each procedure while also having moments in between where she is silently self-critical of her body does get into a "neither condoning nor condemning, but merely observing" type of depiction of this woman's surgery addiction. I think readers will each have their own glass half-full or half-empty interpretations.


It's a slippery slope! 😅 Well done!


I like the idea of "transforming because of peer pressure". There isn't enough content of it


I love This it’s so perfect!!!

Bimbo Blarg

Fun series Sortimid, good work!