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Vampire absorbs bimbo attributes from the people she feeds on.

Second chance patron request. Based on a prompt by BobbyNeutral. Join the Deluxe ($10) tier to suggest your own ideas!

I've gathered the entire story here in one place. Check out the individual posts if you're interested in sketches and WIPs (part one, part two, part three).

Does our monstrous protagonist deserve a happy ending? Probably not. I just couldn't help myself. I was too fond of her salvation through sex and partying 😅 Surely the coven would agree (though the church might not).

Thank you for indulging this short side project! Stretching my comics muscles is always a treat. Next week, back to sequences!

Don't forget to vote on this month's patron request! It's a very tight race between the top two!

Thank you for your support and for making this a wonderful community!

♥ Sortimid




Wow she was literally saved by sex that’s an amazing way to end it! Excellent work on a very fun concept! Do you think someday in the future you’ll do a sequence of her transformation like you did for the characters from “will we still be friend when you’re a bimbo”?


I wonder if she will still dress up like a sexy vampire for Halloween. Instead of blood sucker, she is a cum sucker?


Two things. 1. This is gold. I wish there was more. 2. Did she cure vampirism with drugs and booze?


I love a (literal) happy ending!