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Thank you so much for the overwhelmingly positive response to Feminize Me! 

We've surpassed 870 patrons and might even break 900 before December (edit: we did!). I've also been marked as a Hot Creator for November 2021 on Graphtreon.

To celebrate and share the joy, I'll be releasing Bimbo Sequencer 2.0 for free in December!

Meanwhile, I'm already working on my next game! Working title is "Witch Sequencer" and you'll be trying to complete an occult ritual. This game will be smaller in scope - I'm focusing on clarity and creating a pretty puzzle instead of offering hundreds of possible outcomes.

The plan is to release it for $10 patrons on December 10th, followed by $5 patrons on the 17th and $2 on Christmas Eve.

Stay tuned!



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