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Sweet, nerdy couple join the gym and become fit, shallow and self-obsessed.

Another from the most recent batch of commissions. 

I know some people find these couple corruptions sad... if this bums you out, check out this older, more cheerful gym TF. Or this one!

Hope you like!

❤ Sortimid




I know these transformations have a sad side to them, but I honestly kind of like that. It not only adds more variety, since otherwise every tf would just have the same emotion to it, it also shows that not every person is positively affected by the transformations they go through. Plus, it makes the happy transformations that much brighter I think. All in all, I really love the variety of transformations you do!


clever incorporation of your tag with the waistbands in the final panel


That dude's shoulders got WIDE


probably not, notice the body language; they're making eye contact and touching to start and end looking away and are physically distant. They're dialogue reflects this, they start with interaction between and end speaking to themselves.


Aww, that's great to hear, and I had never thought of it that way. Thank you!


Oh wow I really like this realistic one. TBH I think this exact thing probably happands alot in this society. Keep the good work


For what it's worth, everyone I've met who's really into fitness is super positive and supportive


the secret is to go to Hell Gym with the appropriate runestone, and then you can unlock this kind of mind-bending transformation in to a narcissistic flesh idol. regular gyms only teach you how to nerd out about workouts with other fitness nerds