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I love character level up transformations! It's such an underrated TF trope. Pokemon evolutions, higher tier armor sets, auto-battler units combining into stronger versions - I love it all. No wonder I had so much fun working on this short comic with BimboBlarg.

It's been a long time coming. My first concept art is dated "2019"! We rejected a few ideas before settling on a bimbo VR game. Matching each others' designs and maintaining continuity from the real world to the virtual one and back was a fun challenge.

Big thanks to BimboBlarg for the sexy renders and being a joy to work with! Check out more of their work on Twitter, deviantArt, or their website, and support them on Patreon!

Below, you'll find test renders, concept art and sketches. Had to move some panels and characters around on page three to smoothen the final progression.

Hope you like! <3




Whenever I see this sort of thing and games my mind goes straight to Corruption Of Champions.


A fun collab. I like seeing the characters getting transformed simultaneously in 2D and 3D, and how the two media sync up the designs.


So, uh, I'm not the only one who tried out the QR code, am I? Just in case!

Bimbo Blarg

Especially with the Devil/Tiefling design. I'm glad we moved on to just bimbofying the characters!


I've had similar mixed-media concepts floating in my mind, so to see one executed by a pair of great artists is cool to see.


hehe, maybe when I'm not so preoccupied with other projects.