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Loved this idea by Mr-DNA so decided to do my own take. Another take by Mr-DNA here, also here by Wrenzephyr2.

I love what Mr-DNA has done with Winifred's outfits in the first link. The transformation is really effective even though the changes are small and subtle. I tried to channel some of that same energy.

I've also been experimenting with my linework, lately, trying to maintain the looseness of my pencils, and also achieve a softer feel, that blends in better with the colors. It's not quite there, yet, but I'm happy with the storybook look here. The artist's journey never ends.

Hope you like! ❤




And all your troubles just float away...

Curious Krissy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-06 06:17:18 I love her expressions! another super wonderful piece <3 (plz dont actually let helium balloons go tho, its literally just littering on a time delay! message from ur local park person~ <3)
2020-07-18 03:51:56 I love her expressions! another super wonderful piece <3 (plz dont actually let helium balloons go tho, its literally just littering on a time delay! message from ur local park person~ <3)

I love her expressions! another super wonderful piece <3 (plz dont actually let helium balloons go tho, its literally just littering on a time delay! message from ur local park person~ <3)


Very cute!