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Hope those of you in the USA had a happy Thanksgiving!

This year, I expressed my gratitude with a short animation! I've dabbled in animation before, during game development and in Bimbo Sequencer's transitions, but this was my first proper animated transformation. It's short and simple but I'm really happy with it!

Another first this month: I wrote a short story! I'll be posting one illustrated chapter of "Free Your Mind" every Friday. It's a sexy tale I think you'll enjoy. This month's zip archive only has the images, but I'll include the entire thing in next month's retrospective.

Finally, a wish gone wrong and two egirl factory transformation comics round out November's content.

Once again, thank you so much for your continued support! 

As always, I've gathered this month's art here for your convenience.

(You can find previous months' rewards by browsing the monthly rewards tag. All art is under the art tag.) 


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