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A tomboy reluctantly tries some Eau de Cougouar...

Thank you all for your catalyst name suggestions! I hadn't done a perfume TF before! I went with Eau de Cougouar (thanks Spotts1701). It reminds me of "boudoir" and just sounds funny to me. 

Other ideas that stood out were Cougar Crisp Cereal, Matron Majesty, Cougar Energy, and of course, the Milfshake (which I was very close to using, but ultimately preferred one that hasn't been done by another artist - LurkerGG in this case). Shout out to Brandon Blanchard, as well, for submitting a whole bunch of ideas, coming up with MILFy acronyms and even a chemical compound! We're definitely doing it again!

Hope you enjoyed the sequence and thanks again for the support!
