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Wow! It's been one entire year on Patreon! Just want to take a moment to thank you all for your support. Whether you've been here from the start, joined halfway through or just arrived, it's hard to express how deeply grateful I am! I'm incredibly lucky to be living off of something I love and it's all thanks to your pledges! Hope you enjoyed the first of many celebratory 1-year rewards: Housewife to Streetwalker. Some of you already got a peak of Dracula to Draculette, which I posted prematurely.

Now on to our monthly recap!

We started the month with a happy ending: WWBtB's epilogue, arranged by the players. It was followed by a couple before and afters: the aforementioned sketch reward as well as our Skinny Cheerleader to Curvy Trekkie. After that, we ate some burnt toast in Bimbo Breakfast. I had fun imagining a more quotidian bimbo moment and you guys definitely agreed: no other image has more likes. 

The rest of the month featured a couple non-human pinups: Bimbo Otter and Bimbo Demon. Quite proud of the colors in these! The latter for its polish (almost like I level-uped!) and the former for its palette and for looking good despite being done quickly.

Last but not least, our Patron Request pieces: Teacher to Bimbo, and its companion Teacher to Bimbo to Student. Coming up with an alternative scenario for the same prompt was a welcome challenge. Which did you like more?

Thanks for voting on your favorite Before & After, by the way! It helped me realize my various experiments aren't as popular as more "classic" bimbofication pieces. The feedback directly affected my approach to Housewife to Streetwalker and Teacher to Bimbo. Keep it coming! I read, reply and take every comment and message into account, so if you especially like certain content, let me know! If you have questions, ideas or suggestions feel free to share! Oftentimes, my only feedback is the pledge total and it's hard to glean from it whether I need to change things and how.

In any case, thanks for sticking around as I figure out Patreon post-WWBtB. I aim to post at least one image every weekend with the occasional bonus (like subscription rewards). I'm also trying to fit in work on longer projects. 

On that note, a game update!

I'm working on an entry for TFGamessite's Virtual Worlds contest! Working title is LadyQuest? and it'll feature TG. It's more of a spiritual successor to Bimbo Sequencer than a straight sequel, but it'll allow me to experiment with a bunch of things, learn a new engine and also, hopefully, grow my audience.

The contest submission deadline is Monday at midnight EST so there should be a playable version before that! I'm excited to share it and hope you like it!

That's it for September! As always, I've gathered all the content here for your convenience. Hope you enjoy and thanks again for the support!

 (You can find previous months' rewards by browsing the monthly rewards tag. All art is under the art tag.)  


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