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Refresh your memory here. 



I know it's a threepart, but the pop star to trailer trash would have been my vote if an option. Looking over my favorites, I know it's more work, but the ones with environmental props showing how their circumstances changed are the ones I like the best.


Still, it's good to know the extra effort is appreciated :D So I'm guessing blonde joke was also a favorite of yours?


Yep. Voted for that, with teacher to student and cheerleader to nerd 2 (tribble!) As my top favorites.


Is there any higher purpose to this poll or is it just for fun?


Same here! I'm curious to see what you all like the most. For instance, it seems all the straightforward bimbofication images are more popular (though it's still a very small sample size) and it's also interesting that Jersey shore is leading despite being the only non-full body tf.

Mika W

Of the ones listed here my favorite is Jersey Shore. But now my favorite is Housewife to Streetwalker. :-)