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Oh no! The angry fan had magical abilities!

Went overboard with this one... it was supposed to be just a sequence, not a full comic with backgrounds and secondary characters but I liked the idea of an angry fan causing the transformation and got carried away.

Congrats to Sean Ripley for suggesting the winning idea 4 months in a row!! He's got his finger on the voters' pulse. The rest of you $10 patrons need to step it up!

By the way, we're only $7 shy of the $600 goal, which unlocks a second 3-step sequence per month! If we reach it before the end of August, I'll open suggestions for this month's second sequence to all patrons

Maybe the rest of you can give Sean a good run for his money... ;)

(edit: while I was compiling this, we lost 2 patrons, bringing us down to $584, which is still very close!)




Fantastic comic! I especially like the little touch of the roots of her hair showing. With this amount of voter support, I should see about getting into politics!