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Here’s the first of many clients Dr Lucy will have calling in to 1-800-DOMINATE! Vanessa has dealt with one too many “encouraging” slaps on the ass. So her boss is going to pay the price!

Also it’s just a minor change but I gave Dr. Lucy a more shady and tired look in her eyes!

Anyhow, I’ll have the rough sketch for part 1 finished by tomorrow!



Christian Krohn

Loving the look of both of these gals! The tired eyes definitely add to her personality and make it seem like she just needs a break. Vanessa is going to be fun to see more of~ The whole series itself is just exciting! Looking forward to seeing what's next for this new tale~ Stay safe, stay warm, and have a great evening!


Didn’t comment on the last part but Dr Lucy is definitely a cute and tired scientist, even more so with her new even more tired eyes look, before she looked cute and tired and now she’s cute and sleep deprived. I love her comfy yet practical look as well, those big slippers are definitely something and her hair is the right amount of messy yet stylish. Vanessa on the other hand, oh boy she looks like she’s done with her boss’s perverseness and is ready to show him her butt at a complete different angle: underneath it as a tiny. The majority of her look is her work uniform and you get those little bits of personality with her haircut, tattoo and bracelet as well as her pose, she’s definitely pissed at her boss and I’d bet if you were rude to her, she probably have no issues with gassing up your order in the kitchen and then bringing it to you with a smile.