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Hey yall! Sorry for the delay on uploads this week. The new tier 4 comic (Haunted Dorm Room Part 2) has a notable amount of shading and detail that I’m pouring into it, plus my personal life has been busy as well recently. It’ll be finished soon though and I can get back to the Softball Squashing comic where we’ll be seeing a little more Olga this week 👀



Iruma Mob 100

That’s okay. Take all the time you need ^^ We don’t mind waiting a little longer. I’m excited to see Olga too!

Christian Krohn

Your well being is the most important thing~ Take all the time you need, if you feel like you ever need it. Looking forward to the new page! That lil peek at the next tier 4 picture is also outstanding~ It would be a perfect page banner! Hope you're doing well, staying safe, and can enjoy the weekend!