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For those that have been talking to me the last few weeks, you'll know I've undergone some very hard emotional hardships. If you're not aware, here's what's up: A month ago I lost my grandfather to cancer while I was at FWA 2018. We knew he would eventually pass but it's not just something I can brush off my shoulders and move on from right away. Because of him I learned how to manage my finances and how to drive. Last Sunday, Treble's grandmother passed away. They were pretty much best friends and she's been taking it very hard as a result. All of my spare time has been dedicated to being with her, attending the funeral and just helping her cope in this difficult time. Earlier this week I was informed that my grandmother is advancing further into Alzheimer's to the point she has at best, 2 months left to live. Last time I visited her she wouldn't say a word and essentially appeared to be lifeless. I owe a lot to her. Basically if it weren't for my grandmother I would be homeless, out on the street and possibly involved with the wrong kind of people. Today I learned that my other grandmother has fluid around her heart and everyone in my family is worried about what this could lead to. Because of all these happenings, I may be cutting back on live streams for a little while so I can spend more time with my family and with Treble. 2018 is shaping up to be one of the most emotionally draining years of my life. Treble and I are just beyond drained. We didn't sleep for 3 days straight. Making videos helps me get my mind off of these things but it can also only do so much to keep myself emotionally stable. That being said however, I owe a lot to all of you (including art commissions) for helping me keep the bills paid and just overall being all very awesome to talk to. There will still be a new video this Friday in any case <3 Thank you all so much for understanding.


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