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-Nerf some enemies
-Fix the bug that can't continue to play when you lose to the enemies  with 0 coin.
- Fix the  bug in the castle dungeon that u can get Unlimited A-EXP . 
Don't abuse this bug ,or your save file will dead (now or the future).

-Fix Some typos

V0.11c alternate download link for players who are temporarily unable to get rules on Discord。

(如果暂时无法链接discord 请使用该备用下载链接)




(All save files before v0.11 are unusable in V0.11 anymore. You have to restart the game from the beginning.)


Warning: This update has  slight horror elements


 ====New Dungeon====  

 【The castle】 - A large dungeon unlocked after the cave

 【The cave】 - Explore the remaining elements of the cave after the castle

  ====New NPCs====   

【The king】and【The knight】in the castle

 【Bread】in cave

====New Event==== 

 【Tribe quest】part 3:

- After u finish the 【Camp war】and 【Roushk's story】,you can trigger this event in the tavern.

 【Chet's new goods】: 

 -After day 6, you can trigger this when you talk to him 

【Chet's new item quest】:

-After day 10, you can trigger this  event when you talk to him

-【All of the old day 6 check event now moved to day 10】

 ====New system:==== 

【Inventory remake】:

-Now we have the new inventory that you can check your items  (finally)

-You will have 1 weapon slot , 1 clothes slot and 3 accessories slots now.

-You can now only take 3 HP potions and 3 MP potions at one time.

【Stats remake】:

-Add new stats: ATK, MATK, Crit and Dodge

-Now the battle damage will depend on your "ATK, MATK ,Crit and Dodge"

-STR now give u 3 ATK per point.

-Agi now give u 1 ATK,2%Crit,2%Dodge per point.

-END will give u 20 max hp

-INT will give u 3MATK and 10 max mp

-CHA no change

-Increased experience required for level up,

-Instead of 5HP/MP , now every level up will give you 2ATK and 1MATK 

【Battle remake】:

-Remake all of the enemies damage and HP

-"Bind up" now will cost more MP but will heal you much more HP than before.

-"Holy fist"now will make a huge damage but need to cool down 2 rounds after use.

-Now you are able to make a crit attack depending on your "Crit". It will cause double damage.

====New music:==== 

【Hakan drunk theme】

【party music in Taven】

【Cave music】

 【castle music 1】

 【castle music 2】 

 【castle music 3】 

 【castle music 4】  

====New Sex Scene====

【Lizard lose】:

-Now you will have a 50% chance to trigger after losing to the lizard.

-Fix more bugs.


1. Avatar will not change when equipping items.

2. Quest log is not available in this update.


Download in discord (above tier$3 only): https://discordapp.com/channels/603852425140633631/608391695435956279
link your account to Discord here:  https://www.patreon.com/settings/apps

Cheat code (above tier$5 only): https://discordapp.com/channels/603852425140633631/701627642943766571 

Art-pack   (tier$10 only):  https://discordapp.com/channels/603852425140633631/701629285001199687




Thanks for Update! Please take care of yourself.


Wow this is a lot harder than before, even more so with that potion limit, I can barely beat a bull...and don't get me started on the tree, dang only 5


i can't connect to your discord server


me too, i become a tier$3 and the update game chat (in discord) dont work

jaquane patterson

i think the nauxus tribe quest is bugged, when i beat the lizard in combat, i'm back in the swamp where the option to explore are, and the quest resets itself


It's very difficult to beat enemies without anything to fight back lust with. I've been fighting the lizard in Nauxus's tribe quest, and each time have either out of potions or my lust got too high. Fighting the bulls when exploring has also been difficult. Does Chet or another seller have anything that will help? I'm at a lose on how to beat this guy. :(


It also feels like my health potions aren't effective. If I heal 60, each time it's like only 20 of it is left because the lizard warrior or another enemy did almost just as much damage. Binding up feels like it doesn't do much good either. I feel like I'm missing something that's supposed to help me along


Try to level up first will help u do easier in the battle, After day 6,Chet Will sell something useful in the battle. The effect of “bind up” is determined by your INT, so if ur INT is not high, the Hp potions Will be more useful.


I just finished this version of the game (i think) and i just felt inspired to say that i whole heartedly enjoyed the game thus far, especially the dungeon, which was pretty scary for me while also making me feel sad about what happened. Well done!