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====New Event==== 
 【Nauxus's test】:
- After u finish the 【Camp war】quest,you can trigger this event in the lizard  meeting room  next day.
 【Axel's culture lesson】: 
 - After u finish the 【Camp war】quest,you can trigger this event in thebulltribe  next day. 
 ====New NPC==== 
 Ebb, The exotic butler 
-After day 6, if you already go fish with Snow, or you already get the information from Chet by finishing his  【Collect Ectoplasm】 quest 
you can unlock the way to the 【lake island】 in the forest u meet bull foe .

====New place:====
 【Lake island cabin】:
【Cave Dungeon】:  unlocked in Ebb's quest.
 ====New system:==== 

While travelling through a dungeon, a new EXP system is used on top of your regular EXP system.
As you explore the dungeon you gain Adventure EXP, once you get 100 Adventure EXP your Adventure LVL will increase by 1.
Each Adventure LVL increase will give you 1 Adventure Point or AP for short. For every 3 AP you get, you can exchange them for 1 level up point.
As your Adventure LVL increases the more Adventure EXP you can gather.
You’re free to leave the dungeon anytime, but watch out, the moment you leave the dungeon your Adventure LVL resets back to 0.
Losing to enemies in a dungeon will kick you out of the dungeon, and your Adventure LVL resets back to 0.
You can't use roll-back in the  dungeon 
====New Sex Scene====
【Gargoyle win】:
-Now the Gargoyle has been moved to  【Cave Dungeon】 

====New Dialogue====  
 【Hakan】【Chet】 【Witer】 【Snow】
-Add new dialogue for them after u meet Ebb

-Max lv now is 15
-Fix the music bug
-Nerf the gargoyle

Download in discord (above tier$3 only): https://discordapp.com/channels/603852425140633631/608391695435956279 
link your account to Discord here:  https://www.patreon.com/settings/apps 

Cheat code (above tier$5 only): https://discordapp.com/channels/603852425140633631/701627642943766571 

Art-pack   (tier$10 only):  https://discordapp.com/channels/603852425140633631/701629285001199687






Is it wrong that I want a new playstyle where whether we win or lose we advance...I've become addicted to losing 🥰




Wow,I like the orca (Ebb)! Just a little question: Will the story go different because I win or lose the Nauxus's test ?


Nice scene with the gargoyle but like I said...heh...I like losing to him more, would have been nice if that last scene had both rather than just one though


When I recently tried to level up my character (level 11 I believe?) I kept getting a "exception error" which kept repeating when I tried to rollback or ignore. Not sure what's happening so I wanted to let you know!


Ah wait my bad! It was when I was trying to get another stat point. I tried to upgrade all of the different stats to see if anything changed, but each time it ended up with the same error.


Sure thing! I'll go back to the save I set beforehand and send a screenshot your way

jovuan Jackson

Can I have a different download link?

jovuan Jackson

Thanks man I appreciate it


How do you get the scene where you win against the gargoyle?




I'm curious to wether there will be a way to save both races from their own destruction I love the fact that you have to choose who to help but it would be awesome to have a special hidden side qeust that effects neither of those options I'm just super invested in the story


Have you considered putting the game on steam?


In China buying games on steam has become the only method of “ sponsorship”......I really look forward to playing this game