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I've been told by a couple of you that youve potentially been locked out of all content I've posted this month. I'm extremely sorry about this! There seems to be an error in patreons system where they are not processing last month's payment and therefore, locking you out of recent content until the payment goes through (or at least, that is my speculation at the moment). I've contacted the support team and I'm hoping to hear back from them ASAP and get this figured out. I'm making this a public post in the hopes that everybody will be able to see it since there's no pay block on it. Thank you guys for all your patience and I'm super sorry about all the trouble ?? Love, Cherry



It's happening me for me, that kinda sucks. Oh well. Thanks for making the effort to fix things anyway.


I checked my patron list and it seems you're a new patron, which means that your card hasn't been charged yet (it is charged at the beginning of each month). So you should be able to see my content for sure! It could be an issue unrelated to payment. You could try contacting the patreon support team for help :) good luck!


Yeah i was wondering if this was happening to just me or people as a group when i got the email about my payment not going through.


I THINK it should try to charge you again unless it was a problem with your bank directly. In my experience as long as your card is working then things will get cleared up in a couple days time..! Until then you'll be locked out of my content, but once it goes through I believe you should be able to access everything again. Sadly this kind of stuff is totally out of my control:(


Oh No! Sorry to hear that :( it's still processing my pledges as of right now so it may not have tried to charge your card again yet, but if the issue still persists in 36 hrs from now I defineitly recommend contacting patreon and seeing if something can be sorted out!


It rejected my payment once last mouth then now


I've actually just heard that it was because patreon moved to the UK so a lot of people's banks declined the charge as "suspicious", about 30% of people's cards were initially declined!